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作者: 时间:2014-06-19 点击数:

 报告题目:Introduction to Statistics

    :Xianggui Qu

(Associate Professor in Statistics  ,Department of Mathematics and Statistics,Oakland University,  Rochester, Michigan)

       间:2014年6月19日  下午4:00


报告简介:In this talk, I will introduce statistics from two perspectives: statistics as a profession and statistics as an intellectual discipline. From the point of statistics as a profession, I will talk about who are statisticians, who employ statisticians, and what statisticians do, etc.; from the perspective of statistics as an intellectual discipline, I will briefly review the history of statistics. At the end of the presentation, I will talk about some of my research in optimal plate design in high throughput screening experiments.



Ph.D. in Statistics, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2002

Ph.D. in Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1997

M.A. in Statistics, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2000

M.Sc. in Mathematics, Nankai Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, China, 1988

B.Sc. in Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1985


Associate Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

Oakland University, Aug. 2010 – Present

Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

Oakland University, Aug. 2004 – Aug. 2010

Senior Statistician, Pfizer Global Research undefinedamp; Development, Ann Arbor, May

2002 – Aug. 2004

Assistant Professor and Lecturer of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics,

Yantai University, P.R. China, 1988 – 1997 。


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