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作者: 时间:2018-10-08 点击数:


Integer flows and modular flows of signed graphs

报告时间: 20186181430-1530

报告地点: 数学院大会议室

报告人: 罗荣 教授 (西弗吉尼亚大学)


For ordinary graphs, Tutte proved that the integer flows and modular flows are equivalent. However this equivalence doesn't hold for signed graphs. In this talk, I will discuss how to convert modular flows into integer flows and present some new results on flows on signed graphs.

报告人简介: 罗荣,美国西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia UniversityUSA)数学系教授。主要研究图的染色理论和流的理论。发表60余篇论文多数在图论顶尖杂志上,如Journal of Cominatorial Theory Ser. B, Journal of Graph Theory, SIAM Journal on Discrete Math, European J. of Combinatorics.

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